219 research outputs found

    Are differences in discourse patterns relevant for the participants of interactions in English as a lingua franca?

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    Intercultural differences in discourse patterns have been considered the most important cause of communication problems. It is less certain if these differences are relevant for talk participants in handling communication problems in intercultural interactions. The aim of the case study presented in this paper is observing if talk participants orient to intercultural differences in discourse patterns and what knowledge of these differences they have. I use ethnomethodological approach in analyzing the interaction of Polish students with their Chinese interlocutor. The interactions is an interview conducted in English as a lingua franca. I also conduct an ethnographic interview with the Polish speakers to study their knowledge concerning communication problems which appeared in their interactions with the Chinese speaker. Analyzing the ethnographic interview as interaction, I focus on the content co-construed by the interview participants


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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present benefits for various supply chain links, which are managed by leader who successfully promoting cooperation. Also presented a theoretical culture of trust and teamwork model, based on four key pillars. Furthermore, it describes the most important indications for supply chain leadership in promoting co-operation.Design/methodology/approach: This paper presents only a theoretical approach. All information has been characterized on the basis of literature.Findings: An article describes a number of benefits, which organizations can achieve if they cooperate. Key benefits of using based on co-operation model are considered: increase competitiveness of the company through participation in the structures to ensure survival (the possibility of selling goods and services), establish business contacts with other companies, reduction of time and costs paid by client, reduction of the uncertainty action, keeping delivery times, increase reliability of supply, reducing pollution and harmful effects of processes on the environment. Presented benefits clearly indicate that organizations which are in a supply chain can achieve much more than companies which act alone.Research and practical limitations/implications: Conclusions, which are summary of the article can provide guidance to supply chain leaders.Originality/value: The paper can provide value for people involved in supply chain management, both leaders and supply chain members. Originality of this article is difficult to assess because article presents a theoretical, not empirical issues

    Leadership Qualities in Project Management

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to present key features that each project manager should have. Furthermore, it describes main tasks performed by a manager in a project. An attempt is also made to resolve the dilemma whether every project manager can also be described as a leader.Design/methodology/approach: This paper presents a theoretical approach. Analysis is conducted on the basis of literature review.Findings: This article describes a number of features that a good project manager should have. It should be emphasized that leadership qualities are personality traits represented by project managers. It is worth noting that a leader may not be a manager, but every manager should be a leader. If a manager does not have leadership characteristics, the realization of the project’s tasks may be impaired. Certainly, this does not mean that the project will not be completed. However, better results are generally achieved by project teams, which are managed by people showing a high level of leadership qualities.Research and practical limitations/implications: Conclusions drawn from the analysis can provide practical guidance to man-agers and  project teams and make up a foundation for further empirical research.Originality/value: The paper provides value for people involved in project management, both managers and project team members.Paper type: Literature review

    Dialogic Signals In Argumentative Discussions of Advanced Polish Learners Of English

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    The first part of the paper deals with characteristics of classroom interaction as a type of institutional talk in a conversational analytic perspective. Next, the thesis is discussed concerning developing learners' interactional competence to foster learner discursive independence in argumentative discussions in English as a foreign language. Finally, after a short review of dialogic signals, the article presents a preliminary analysis of selected dialogic signals: evaluating reformulations and piggybacking as the ways of achieving reciprocity in argumentative discussions

    Psychological and Pedagogical Care for Children with Special Educational Needs – a System in Poland

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    The number of students with special educational needs continues to increase in Polish mainstream schools. The obligatory psychological and pedagogical support for children with special educational needs in Poland operates on the basis of normative acts developed by the Ministry of Education. This assistance is targeted at students of Polish state schools (primary and secondary), which also teach children and young adults with this kind of needs within the framework of inclusive education. The study in quantitative strategies (quantitative research) was conducted among the teaching staff in Polish schools located in large cities. The number of participants in the sample was approximately 130 teachers and the instrument used was a questionnaire prepared by the authors. The research concerned the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical assistance provided to pupils with special educational needs. The research results indicate that the current scheme in Poland requires new legislation and urgent interventions, especially in terms of qualifications of teachers who work with pupils with special educational needs.Psychologiczna i pedagogiczna opieka dla dzieci ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi - system w Polsce Liczba uczniów ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi w polskich szkołach ciągle rośnie. Obowiązkowe wsparcie psychologiczne i pedagogiczne dla dzieci ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi w Polsce funkcjonuje na podstawie aktów normatywnych opracowanych przez Ministerstwo Edukacji. Pomoc ta skierowana jest do uczniów polskich szkół państwowych (podstawowych i średnich). Badanie w zakresie strategii ilościowych (badania ilościowe) przeprowadzono wśród kadry pedagogicznej w polskich szkołach zlokalizowanych w dużych miastach. Liczba uczestników w próbie wynosiła około 130 nauczycieli, a wykorzystanym narzędziem był kwestionariusz przygotowany przez autorów. Badania dotyczyły skuteczności pomocy psychologicznej i pedagogicznej świadczonej uczniom ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi. Wyniki badań wskazują, że obecny system w Polsce wymaga nowych przepisów i pilnych interwencji, szczególnie w zakresie kwalifikacji nauczycieli pracujących z uczniami o specjalnych potrzebach edukacyjnych

    Macierzyństwo po leczeniu raka piersi

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    Recent years have seen a notable increase in the number of breast cancer diagnoses among women who have not fulfilled their maternity plans before the disease. Cytotoxic drugs (chemotherapy), used in the treatment of breast cancer patients, cause varying degrees of damage to the ovaries. The expected favorable effect of gonadoliberin analogues on the preservation of fertility has not been confirmed in clinical trials, and these drugs are currently not recommended for therapy. It is only the development of cryobiology and assisted reproduction techniques that make it possible to preserve the reproductive potential. The safety of the mother and the baby after breast cancer treatment is a separate issue. The available data indicate that both, pregnancy and breast-feeding are safe for the mother and the baby. However, the majority of findings come from retrospective studies covering small sample size and excluding the heterogeneity of both, cancer cells and patient clinical data.W ostatnich latach wzrasta liczba kobiet z rozpoznaniem raka piersi, które nie zrealizowały swoich planów macierzyńskich przed chorobą. Leki cytotoksyczne (chemioterapia), stosowane w leczeniu chorych na ten nowotwór, powodują w różnym stopniu uszkodzenie jajników. Wiązane nadzieje z korzystnym wpływem analogów gonadoliberyny na zachowanie płodności nie zostały potwierdzone w badaniach klinicznych i obecnie nie zaleca się ich stosowania. Jedynie rozwój metod kriobiologii i rozrodu wspomaganego umożliwia zabezpieczenie potencjału rozrodczego. Odrębnym zagadnieniem jest bezpieczeństwo macierzyństwa po leczeniu raka piersi. Dostępne dane wskazują, że zarówno ciąża jaki i karmienie piersią są bezpieczne dla matki i dziecka. Większość wyników pochodzi jednak z badań retrospektywnych, o małej liczebności grup, nie uwzględniających różnorodności zarówno biologii komórek raka, jak i danych klinicznych dotyczących samych pacjentek

    Dual antiplatelet therapy and antithrombotic treatment: Recommendations and controversies

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    Dual antiplatelet therapy is currently recommended for all patients with acute coronary syndromes, independent of whether they receive pharmacological treatment or undergo percutaneous coronary intervention. Antiplatelet agents are the cornerstone of pharmacological treatment in interventional cardiology. However, there is a clear need for randomized trials to assess the treatment strategy of dual antiplatelet therapy in patients who also need long-term antithrombotic treatment (such as those with atrial fibrillation, prosthetic heart valve, mitral valve regurgitation or stenosis, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, or pulmonary hypertension). In this paper we discuss trials and analyses on the use of dual antiplatelet treatment in combination with antithrombotic therapy in particular diseases, with a focus on the risk of hemorrhagic events connected with this treatment, as well as recent guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology, the American College of Cardiology, and the American Heart Association

    Process maturity and its determinants : an empirical analysis of economic organisations in Poland

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    Purpose: The aim of this article was to find factors (by using quantitative methods), which significantly influenced the increasing level of organisations process maturity, operated in Poland. Design/Approach: Quantitative approach based on a logit model, which was created for the purpose of the study Findings: Identifying one factor influencing the increase in the level of process maturity, which turned out to be: the desire to increase the effectiveness of the organisation understood as the possibility of additional benefits for the organisation, especially financial ones. Practical implications: Identifying a factor that may increase the rate at which organisations achieve a higher level of process maturity. Originality/Value: One of the first studies in the world showing the analysis of process maturity determinants in organisations, involving quantitative terms (most analyses are based on qualitative data or simple statistical analyses).peer-reviewe


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    Abstract: The development of the digital economy is a very interesting research problem. The beginnings of the digital economy date back to the 1990s, when the use of information technology was limited to manual transmission of data by means of electronic devices. Therefore, detailed research of key concepts that significantly accelerated the development of the digital economy was taken as the research objective. The methodology of the study was based on a theoretical analysis of individual concepts that positively influence the development of the digital economy. The result of this study was the determination of the role that particular factors played in the development of a knowledge-based economy. The main conclusions drawn from the study are the following: there has been an increase in the competitiveness of industry thanks to the use of the latest technological developments in the field of computer science, advanced data exchange and integration of IT systems of various organizations. One can therefore consider digitization to be one of the most revolutionary changes in the modern world, constituting a significant determinant of the development of the innovative economy and the information society. This means that it plays an important role in economic, political, social as well as in cultural life. Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine the functioning of organizations, governments or societies without access to information and communication technologies